
Rockland Church shares its love of Christ in Tanzania through programs that directly support the people of Arusha and surrounding areas.

About the Tanzania Action Committee

The Tanzanian Action Committee was created by Rockland members to fill some of the needs the team saw in Arusha. Past and current ministries include Secondary education, Arusha Lutheran Medical Center, NICU medical support, livestock placements, children’s centers, and school construction. Rockland serves in partnership with a local diocese, its churches, and the local community to provide support and encouragement to both people in the city of Arusha and rural Maasai villages.

Rockland Community Church’s work in Tanzania focuses on the communities of Arusha, Tanzania, and the surrounding areas. Currently, Rockland has two primary ministries: Christian education of young women and self-perpetuating livestock placements. The goal of each of these ministries is to strengthen, support, and encourage by sharing the love of Christ through both relationship and action.


A very important part of the Rockland ministry since 2007 has been to provide Christian Secondary educational opportunities for girls who might otherwise not be able to continue their education beyond primary school. Rockland, in partnership with local churches, selects Christian girls for sponsorship. Over 185 Rockland members have exchanged letters, prayed for, and mentored 230 students. After their students complete Secondary, Rockland sponsors have the opportunity to continue sponsoring their students’ education through university or vocational training.

As one Rockland sponsor said, “The relationship we built with our sponsored girl during her 4 years of secondary education is very special. She calls us Mom and Dad in letters and shares with us her hopes and dreams. We pray for her and her family and have traveled to Arusha to meet her. She will always be in our lives.”


Rockland initiated a new livestock placement program, called “Milky Goats,” in 2020. (This program re-invented the popular “Milky Cow” program which became self-sustaining in 2019, with cow recipients giving calves to other church members.) Our church partners in Tanzania are essential in identifying the greatest needs of the communities we serve and sharing those evolving needs with us. In 2020, Rockland purchased the first “milky goats” for poor Christian families in two Maasai villages. The Maasai are traditional goat-herders, raising their goats for meat. The goats purchased and placed are bred specifically for their milk production. This milk supplements child nutrition in these villages. Like the Milky cow program, offspring is shared with other needy church families. And in 2022, the first “water-bearing donkeys” were purchased. These donkeys are used to carry heavy burdens and are essential for improving access to drinking water for the impoverished widows that received them.

Mission 2025

Rockland members can participate in mission trips to Arusha, Tanzania, to serve our sister churches and work with our African brothers and sisters in Christ to advance the kingdom of God. Mission members share the word of God with the people of Tanzania through humanitarian activities and personal evangelism.

The next trip is February 2025. Mission costs are estimated at $4000 per person. Students 16 years and older are welcome to join when traveling with a family member. Additionally, members can choose to add on one of the incredible experiences Tanzania has to offer, such as going on safari or climbing Mt. Meru. For more information, contact Katie Bellott.


The Rockland Tanzania mission program has ongoing needs for its General Fund. Our Rockland Liaisons in Arusha – Patrick Ngala Olemong’i and Ellie Marco oversee our programs. General funds also support non-sponsored students, Ilboru Church Chilldren's Center, mission team support, student educational & mentoring seminars, transportation and health needs of students as they arise.